
Detailed table PR analytics for graph, and many other wonders...


✨ New

  • Created a page for each analytics where we can see each pull requests that were taken into account with specific data.
  • Allowing some bots to send messages in pull request channels.
  • Label manager is now operationnal! Define Axolo behavior upon specific GitHub labels.

🔨 Improvements

  • Reminders are now computed upon inactivity of business days only.
  • Added tips in the onboarding Slack message about Axolo home and the /lgtm command.
  • Taking into account only merged PR in the PR length graph.

🐞 Fixes

  • Bug line number in code review comment where Axolo was using the wrong line number (this line within the review instead of within the entire file)
  • Fixed the invite later using engineers' timeslots for code reviews.

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