GitHub pull request template for your engineering team
Learn about the benefits of using pull request templates and discover 6 different examples of templates you can use.

CEO @ Axolo
Once upon a time, we realized that engineering teams have many different workflows, and it can be challenging for them to develop software efficiently. We wanted to help them with the theory of developing software, so we delved into many research studies, including among others the SPACE framework and the DORA metrics.
As we worked with these teams, we saw the need for practical guidance on topics like code review best practices, measuring developer productivity, and reducing code review time. We also saw the value of providing ready-to-use templates, like the developer experience survey, and pull requests templates, that teams could use to improve their engineering processes. That's why we created this resource page - to share what we've learned and help engineering teams succeed in their software development efforts.
So welcome to our resource page!
This resource page is divided into three categories: templates we've developed, our research studies, and the best resources we've found on the web. Whether you're new to code review or a seasoned expert, we've got something for everyone. So, explore our page and discover the tools and knowledge you need to take your code review process to the next level!
Curious about what you're getting into? Here's the rundown on what to expect from this code review resource page.
A collection of templates to help you improve your code review and software development process.
A collection of articles that we've written to help you understand theory behind code review and software development process.
A collection of articles that we've found on the web we think you'll find useful.
Using templates is important for engineering teams as it helps to ensure consistency and efficiency in the code review process. In the templates section of our resource page, we have compiled a list of helpful templates that we have created over the past 3 years to help teams review code seamlessly.
These templates include a GitHub pull request template, a survey template to improve the developer experience in engineering teams, a code review emoji guide, and a list of our favorite Slack apps for developers. By utilizing these templates, teams can save time and streamline their workflows, while also ensuring that important aspects of code review such as design, functionality, and documentation are not overlooked.
Learn about the benefits of using pull request templates and discover 6 different examples of templates you can use.
CEO @ Axolo
We made a list of the favorite Slack apps used by our customers. While some of the tools in the list are not specific to developers team we listed them because we think they might still be useful for some.
CTO @ Axolo
We developed this survey upon the recommendations of the SPACE framework, the four key DevOps metrics from Accelerate, and our own experience working with engineering teams through Axolo to help companies who want to improve the developer experience in their engineering team.
CEO @ Axolo
Using CREG (Code Review Emoji Guide) puts more ownership on the reviewer to give the reviewee added context and clarity to follow up on code review. Follow our code review guideline to help your team share feedback during code reviews.
CTO @ Axolo
Every great journey begins with a single step, and for a developer, that journey is the onboarding process. To make sure no stone is left unturned and every step is as smooth as possible, we've crafted a comprehensive checklist for you. Think of it as your trusty roadmap to developer onboarding success!
CEO @ Axolo
Discover essential feature request templates, best practices for collecting user feedback, and how to integrate feature requests into your product roadmap for SaaS success.
CEO @ Axolo
Over the past three years, we've been working closely with engineering teams, helping them streamline their code review processes and improve their productivity. As a result of our experience, we've created a collection of valuable resources that we want to share with you.
Our research articles cover a wide range of topics that are essential to improving the code review process. From measuring developer productivity to reducing code review time and optimizing engineering team's cycle time, they offer practical advice that can be applied in real-world scenarios. Additionally, our article on What is Code Quality in 2023 and how to improve it? provides an in-depth analysis of code quality and the top tools to improve it.
Learn about GitHub code review best practices, including why code review is important, principles of a good code review, and tips for a fast and effective code review process.
CEO @ Axolo
Learn about the importance of measuring developer productivity and discover different frameworks and methods to effectively measure it.
CEO @ Axolo
Learn about the causes of high review time in software development, and discover effective ways to reduce code review time to improve team productivity.
CEO @ Axolo
Learn about GitLab code review best practices, including how to set up code owners and approvals, use review apps, and automate your workflow with GitLab CI/CD.
CEO @ Axolo
In 2023, code quality will be more about maintainability and reliability than anything else. This post discusses the significance of developing a high-quality codebase, what metrics to use to continuously improve, and what tools your team can use to do so painlessly.
CEO @ Axolo
Learn how to create an effective code review guideline in 7 steps. This post details how to create a code review guideline that covers goals, roles, review scope, standards, review frequency, and positive culture.
CEO @ Axolo
This guide explores clean code principles that elevate both the functionality and readability of code, making it more maintainable and scalable. Let’s break down the key techniques to make code readable, reusable, and robust.
CEO @ Axolo
In addition to our own templates and research, we have scoured the web to find the best resources to help engineering teams review code and improve their software development processes. These resources have been curated based on their effectiveness and relevance. We believe that this collection of external resources can help engineering teams achieve their goals efficiently and effectively.
A developer guide on code review practices at Google, where code reviews are conducted to maintain code and product quality. It covers the process of code review, what code reviewers look for, how to pick the best reviewers, and in-person reviews.
A curated list of tools, articles, books, and any other resource related to code review.