Integrate Apollo Studio in Slack
with Axolo

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Testing Free

What is Apollo Studio about?

Apollo Studio is a powerful B2B SaaS application that provides a GitHub Checks integration for schema check features. Its Schema Checks feature runs a check on every commit to ensure that any schema changes are safe and non-breaking. Any schema change that might affect how actively used queries operate, such as removing a field or changing a default argument type, will be considered breaking.

The application uses its knowledge of usage metrics from your server to determine if there are clients actively using the changing parts of your schema. This helps ensure that any changes made to the schema will not negatively impact the performance of your application.

Overall, Apollo Studio is a must-have tool for developers and businesses looking to streamline their schema check process and ensure the safety and stability of their application. Its GitHub integration and usage metrics make it an invaluable tool for any team looking to optimize their development workflow.

What are Apollo Studio features and benefits?

- GitHub Checks integration
- Schema check features
- Run a check on every commit
- Validate safe or breaking schema changes
- Identify breaking schema changes that affect actively used queries
- Usage metrics analysis from server to determine impact on clients.

What is Apollo Studio pricing?

The pricing for Apollo Studio's GitHub application is $0.

Integrate Apollo Studio in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Apollo Studio in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it provides a GitHub Checks integration for Studio's schema check features. This allows for a more efficient code review process by automatically running schema checks on every commit and validating whether or not these changes are safe or breaking. Additionally, Studio's knowledge of usage metrics from your server can determine if there are clients actively using the changing parts of your schema, making it easier to identify potential issues before they become problems.

Learn more about Apollo Studio on the GitHub marketplace.

Apollo Studio GitHub integration screenshots

See change details and usage information to support any schema change

See change details and usage information to support any schema change

Integrate with Pull Requests on GitHub

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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