Integrate AppSweep in Slack
with Axolo

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Developed by


Security Mobile

What is AppSweep about?

AppSweep is a powerful mobile application security testing tool that helps development teams quickly and easily identify and resolve issues in their code and dependencies. By leveraging the latest OWASP standards, AppSweep provides actionable recommendations for creating more secure mobile apps. The app is highly accurate and easy to use, and it's available for free as a GitHub App.

With AppSweep, you can integrate your scans into your build process, allowing you to tag your builds, track commit hashes, and annotate commits. This makes it easy to keep track of changes and ensure that your mobile app is always secure.

To get started with AppSweep, simply upload and scan your mobile application using the web app and register for an account. The app provides fast, automated testing that can help you identify and fix issues quickly, so you can focus on delivering high-quality mobile apps that are secure and reliable.

What are AppSweep features and benefits?

- Fast and automated mobile application security testing
- Helps teams find and fix issues in code and dependencies
- Provides actionable recommendations for more secure mobile apps
- Leverages the latest OWASP standards
- Highly accurate and easy to use
- Free GitHub App integration for scanning as part of build process
- Provides tagging of build and tracking commit hashes related to build
- Annotates commits
- Web app available for uploading and scanning mobile apps
- Account registration required to use the service.

What is AppSweep pricing?

AppSweep's pricing for Mobile Application Security Testing is free, costing $0.

Integrate AppSweep in Slack with Axolo

Integrating AppSweep in Slack with Axolo can benefit engineering teams by providing fast and automated mobile application security testing, actionable recommendations for more secure mobile apps, and tagging of builds and tracking of commit hashes related to builds.

Learn more about AppSweep on the GitHub marketplace.

AppSweep GitHub integration screenshots

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