Integrate Check Run Reporter in Slack
with Axolo

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Trials Paid

What is Check Run Reporter about?

Check Run Reporter is a GitHub application that simplifies the process of analyzing JUnit, Checkstyle, and other structured reports by presenting their results within the GitHub UI. With Check Run Reporter, you can easily access all of your test results in the Pull Request's details view without having to search through pages of CI logs. In addition, if the line that failed can be determined from the test report, you'll also see the error in the diff. This feature enables you to quickly identify why your build failed and make necessary corrections.

Check Run Reporter also supports style violations, which will be presented right in the pull request diff. This feature allows you to see exactly what went wrong next to the style rule that didn't hold. The application supports the native report formats of ESlint, SwiftLint, TypeScript compiler, and Checkstyle, which opens up most every style-checker out there. If you have a test or style report format that Check Run Reporter doesn't support, you can reach out to them, and they will look into adding it.

Overall, Check Run Reporter makes it easy to analyze test and style reports, simplifying the process of identifying and fixing issues in your code.

What are Check Run Reporter features and benefits?

- Presents JUnit, Checkstyle, and other structured reports in GitHub UI
- Test results appear in Pull Request's details view
- Shows error in the diff if line that failed can be determined from test report
- Works with JUnit test suites
- Presents style violations in pull request diff
- Supports native report formats of ESlint, SwiftLint, TypeScript compiler, and Checkstyle
- Can add support for other test or style report formats upon request.

What is Check Run Reporter pricing?

Open Source Unlimited public repositories $0
Ephemeral Free Trial $19 / month
Persistent Free Trial $59 / month

Integrate Check Run Reporter in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Check Run Reporter in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows engineers to receive real-time notifications of test results and style violations directly in their Slack channel, making it easier to stay on top of code reviews and address issues quickly.

Learn more about Check Run Reporter on the GitHub marketplace.

Check Run Reporter GitHub integration screenshots

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