Integrate Create Issue Branch in Slack
with Axolo

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What is Create Issue Branch about?

Create Issue Branch is a GitHub application that automates the process of creating a new branch after assigning an issue. This app can be used in two modes: auto and chatops. In auto mode, when an issue is created and assigned, the app creates a new issue branch with a specific name, corresponding to the issue number and title. In chatops mode, a developer can trigger the creation of a new issue branch by using the ChatOps command /cib as a comment on the issue. The app will then create a new issue branch with the same naming convention as in auto mode.

This app can be a valuable tool for development teams that use GitHub as their primary platform. It simplifies the process of creating new branches, which can be time-consuming and error-prone when done manually. By automating this process, developers can focus on writing code and fixing bugs, rather than worrying about branch naming conventions and other administrative tasks. Additionally, the chatops mode allows for even more flexibility and convenience, as developers can trigger branch creation directly from the issue they are working on. Overall, Create Issue Branch is a useful tool that can help streamline the development process and improve team productivity.

What are Create Issue Branch features and benefits?

List of Create Issue Branch application features:
1. Creates a new branch after assigning an issue
2. Supports development workflow in two modes: auto and chatops
3. In "auto" mode, creates a new issue branch when the issue is assigned
4. In "chatops" mode, creates a new issue branch when a developer gives the ChatOps command /cib as a comment on the issue
5. By default, notifies creation is completed with a comment on the issue
6. Configuration options available in the GitHub repo.

What is Create Issue Branch pricing?

Create Issue Branch's pricing is $0 for non-commercial organizations and offers a free trial. For commercial organizations, the pricing is $5 per month.

Integrate Create Issue Branch in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Create Issue Branch in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows for seamless communication and collaboration between the developers and the code reviewers. With Create Issue Branch, developers can easily create a new branch for an issue and with Axolo, code reviewers can quickly access and review the code in an ephemeral channel without having to switch between different platforms.

Learn more about Create Issue Branch on the GitHub marketplace.

Create Issue Branch GitHub integration screenshots

Create issue branch after assigning issue

Create issue branch after assigning issue

Create issue branch after /cib command in comment

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