Integrate Feature Bot in Slack
with Axolo

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Utilities Free

What is Feature Bot about?

Feature Bot is a GitHub application that incentivizes developers to contribute to open-source projects by rewarding them with cryptocurrencies. The service is designed to improve software development productivity by providing a secure payment system that is integrated directly into GitHub. Feature Bot uses an escrow smart contract to create confidence between the issuer and the developer, and everything is configurable, including the duration of the deal, the economic incentives for other developers to review the pull-request, the length of the challenge period, and the choice of arbitrator to solve any disputes.

To get started with Feature Bot, users can open an issue on GitHub and entitle it or add a comment with a specific format that includes a keyword and a cryptocurrency amount. The keywords include $bounty, $grant, $feature, $feat, $fix, $audit, $CS, $doc, $documentation, $refacto, $refactoring, $code, $chore, $test, $docs, $ci, $perf, and $style, and the keyword networks are (polygon), (xdai), and (arbitrum). Once a developer completes a pull request, they can claim their reward by commenting the number of their pull request with the keyword $feat. Finally, once the challenge period is over,

What are Feature Bot features and benefits?

List of Feature Bot application features:
- Encourages developers to contribute to projects on GitHub
- Rewards developers with cryptocurrencies
- Improves software development productivity
- Benefits from Feature services directly on Github
- Parses issues to create truly secure payments
- Based on an escrow smart contract to create confidence between the issuer and the developer
- Configurable duration of the deal
- Configurable economic incentives for other developers to review the pull-request
- Configurable length of the challenge period
- Configurable choice of the arbitrator to solve the dispute if any
- Open an issue on Github to create a deal
- Entitle or add a comment with a specific format to launch a deal
- Specific keywords to launch a deal: $bounty, $grant, $feature, $feat, $fix, $audit, $CS, $doc, $documentation, $refacto, $refactoring, $code, $chore, $test, $docs, $ci, $perf, and $style
- Specific keyword networks: (polygon), (xdai), and (arbitrum)
- Claim your reward by commenting the number of your Pull Request with the keyword $feat
- Execute payment once the challenge period is over.

What is Feature Bot pricing?

Feature Bot's pricing: Freemium, use Feature for Free at $0.

Integrate Feature Bot in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Feature Bot with Axolo helps to incentivize developers to contribute to code reviews by rewarding them with cryptocurrencies, which can increase engagement and productivity. Additionally, Axolo's ephemeral channels for pull requests can help facilitate communication between developers and the bot, streamlining the process of creating and executing deals.

Learn more about Feature Bot on the GitHub marketplace.

Feature Bot GitHub integration screenshots

Create Deal

Create Deal

Confirm the Deal on the dApp
Claim the Reward
Challenge it

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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