Integrate GitLatch in Slack
with Axolo

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Utilities Free
Trials Paid

What is GitLatch about?

GitLatch is a GitHub application that simplifies the process of opening, editing, and committing changes to .docx files in your GitHub repositories. With this add-in, you can easily and seamlessly work on your .docx files within GitHub, without having to switch between different applications.

To use GitLatch, you will need a GitHub account, and you can follow the instructions provided in the add-in lateral taskbar to get started. You can open existing .docx files in your GitHub repositories or create new ones directly from the add-in. Once you have made changes to your .docx file, you can commit your changes directly to GitHub, either just for the .docx file or for additional .pdf, .html, and .md files as well.

With GitLatch, you can streamline your workflow and save time by eliminating the need to switch between different applications to work on your .docx files. It provides a simple and efficient solution for editing and committing changes to your GitHub repositories, making it an essential tool for anyone who regularly works with .docx files on GitHub.

What are GitLatch features and benefits?

- Open and commit changes to GitHub repos' .docx files
- Requires a GitHub account
- Instructions provided in add-in lateral taskbar
- Ability to open .docx files in GitHub repos
- Ability to start new .docx files in GitHub repos
- Ability to commit changes to .docx files
- Optional ability to commit additional .pdf, .html, and .md files
- GitLatch can be found on the ribbon.

What is GitLatch pricing?

The pricing for GitLatch Beta is free.

Integrate GitLatch in Slack with Axolo

Integrating GitLatch in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows engineers to easily review code changes and collaborate on pull requests without having to switch between different platforms. With GitLatch, engineers can commit changes to their GitHub repos directly from Slack, making the code review process faster and more efficient. This integration also allows for easy access to different file types, including .docx, .pdf, .html, and .md, which can be directly found and read on GitHub.

Learn more about GitLatch on the GitHub marketplace.

GitLatch GitHub integration screenshots

GitLatch on Word

GitLatch on Word

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