Integrate In Solidarity in Slack
with Axolo

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What is In Solidarity about?

In Solidarity is a GitHub application that serves as a bot to add status checks for inclusive language. The application is designed to address the complex and subtle configurations of sexist, racist, or ethnocentric language use in technical documents that can interfere with readers' comprehension and desire to follow important information. The bot currently has all checks with a conclusion of neutral instead of success or failure, and it creates annotations for each change that could be made more inclusive.

The need for In Solidarity arises from the challenges of technical editing, as highlighted by Heather Brodie Graves and Roger Graves in their 1998 paper "Masters, slaves, and infant mortality: Language challenges for technical editing" published in Technical Communication Quarterly. The paper emphasizes the importance of inclusive language in technical documents and how language that is exclusive or discriminatory can derail the reader's understanding of important information. In Solidarity helps to ensure that technical documents are inclusive and accessible to a wider audience.

What are In Solidarity features and benefits?

- Adds status checks for inclusive language on GitHub
- All checks have a neutral conclusion
- Creates annotations for each change that could be made more inclusive

What is In Solidarity pricing?

The pricing for In Solidarity is free, which means it costs $0.

Integrate In Solidarity in Slack with Axolo

Integrating In Solidarity in Slack with Axolo can help ensure that code reviews are conducted in an inclusive and respectful manner, reducing the risk of unintentionally using language that could be offensive or exclusionary to certain groups.

Learn more about In Solidarity on the GitHub marketplace.

In Solidarity GitHub integration screenshots

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