Integrate KeksChat in Slack
with Axolo

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What is KeksChat about?

KeksChat is a GitHub application designed to help users showcase their GitHub profile on their KeksChat profile. This app enables users to seamlessly integrate their GitHub activity into their KeksChat profile, giving their followers and potential collaborators an insight into their skills, contributions, and projects. By using KeksChat, users can showcase their coding skills, projects, and contributions to the open-source community, which can help them build a strong professional network and increase their chances of finding new opportunities.

With KeksChat, users can easily connect their GitHub account to their KeksChat profile and display their repositories, commits, pull requests, and other activities. This app also enables users to customize their GitHub integration by selecting which repositories to display and choosing the layout of their GitHub activity feed. Additionally, KeksChat offers advanced search and filtering options, making it easy for users to find potential collaborators based on their GitHub activity.

Overall, KeksChat is a powerful tool for developers and professionals who want to showcase their GitHub activity and build a strong online presence. With its seamless integration and advanced features, KeksChat can help users stand out in the competitive world of software development and increase their chances of finding new opportunities.

What are KeksChat features and benefits?

- Integration with GitHub
- Display GitHub profile in KeksChat profile

What is KeksChat pricing?

KeksChat's normal pricing plan is free of charge.

Integrate KeksChat in Slack with Axolo

Integrating KeksChat with Axolo can be beneficial as it allows engineers to easily access their GitHub profile through their KeksChat profile. This can streamline the code review process by providing quick access to relevant information and improving communication between team members.

Learn more about KeksChat on the GitHub marketplace.

KeksChat GitHub integration screenshots

Chat example

Chat example

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