Integrate POEditor in Slack
with Axolo

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Developed by


Localization Free
Trials Free

What is POEditor about?

POEditor is a powerful localization management service that specializes in translating software products such as apps, sites, and games. It is integrated with GitHub, which means it automatically syncs with your repos, eliminating the need to touch a language file. The service offers Slack and HipChat integrations, which provide real-time updates about the localization process and translation progress. POEditor is an online collaboration environment for the entire localization team, and its simple user interface makes it easy to set up a translation project and build a customized workflow.

POEditor offers a range of translation options, including assigning translators to specific languages, crowdsourcing translations from your community, ordering translation services from one of their partners, and using machine translation. The service supports various formats, including Gettext, Excel, CSV, Microsoft Resources, Android Resources, Apple Strings, iOS Xliff, Java Properties, Key-Value JSON, JSON, Angular XMB, and Angular XTB.

Overall, POEditor is an excellent solution for businesses looking to make their software products multilingual. It simplifies the localization process, making it easy to manage translations, collaborate with your team, and ensure your software products are accessible to a global audience.

What are POEditor features and benefits?

- Highly scalable localization management service
- Integrates with GitHub and syncs with your repos automatically
- Slack and HipChat integrations for real-time updates
- Online collaboration environment for the entire localization team
- Simple user interface for easy project setup and workflow customization
- Translation options: assigning translators, crowdsourcing translations, ordering translation services, using machine translation
- Supports various file formats: Gettext (.po, .pot), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), CSV (.csv), Microsoft Resources (.resw, .resx), Android Resources (.xml), Apple Strings (.strings), iOS Xliff (.xliff), Java Properties (.properties), Key-Value JSON (.json), JSON (.json), Angular XMB (.xmb), Angular XTB (.xtb)

What is POEditor pricing?

Free: $0
Small: $15 / month
Plus: $45 / month
Premium: $120 / month
Enterprise: $200 / month

Integrate POEditor in Slack with Axolo

Integrating POEditor in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows for real-time updates about the localization process and translation progress, making it easier for the entire localization team to collaborate and streamline the translation workflow.

Learn more about POEditor on the GitHub marketplace.

POEditor GitHub integration screenshots




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