Integrate PR Label Enforcer in Slack
with Axolo

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Utilities Free

What is PR Label Enforcer about?

PR Label Enforcer is a GitHub application that helps prevent merging pull requests (PRs) that do not meet specific criteria. With this app, users can configure their PRs to meet certain standards by installing the app and creating a file under .github/pr_labels.yml. The app supports various options such as startsWith, endsWith, and values, which can be customized to fit the specific needs of the user.

For instance, if a user wants to prevent merging PRs with a specific label, they can set the labelRule option to endsWith and input the label name. Additionally, the app allows users to set the checks status using the invalidStatus, which can be customized to fit the specific needs of the user.

PR Label Enforcer is free for public repositories, while a paid subscription is required for private repositories. This app is an excellent tool for ensuring that PRs meet specific criteria and standards before they are merged into the repository. With its easy-to-use configuration options, users can quickly customize the app to fit their specific needs and requirements.

What are PR Label Enforcer features and benefits?

- Prevents merging PRs that don't meet certain criteria
- Configuration through installation and creation of .github/pr_labels.yml file
- Free for public repositories, paid subscription needed for private repositories
- Supports setting check status using invalidStatus
- Supports endsWith, startsWith, and values options.

What is PR Label Enforcer pricing?

PR Label Enforcer is a free GitHub application available for anyone on any repository during its beta phase. The pricing is $0.

Integrate PR Label Enforcer in Slack with Axolo

Integrating PR Label Enforcer in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it ensures that pull requests meet certain criteria before they are merged, preventing errors and improving code quality. This integration allows teams to receive notifications and collaborate in real-time, making the code review process faster and more efficient.

Learn more about PR Label Enforcer on the GitHub marketplace.

PR Label Enforcer GitHub integration screenshots

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