Integrate PR Trophies in Slack
with Axolo

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Developed by


Utilities Free

What is PR Trophies about?

PR Trophies is a GitHub application that celebrates the progress made by developers in their PRs. The bot comments on milestone PRs to acknowledge the achievement of hitting a milestone, which is defined as every 1000 PRs. The service is heavily inspired by ReviewBoard's trophy system, which has been copied to provide a similar experience to GitHub users. The service also offers other types of trophies, which are awarded based on certain criteria that users may need to figure out. The artwork for the trophies has been designed by subtle_smiles, adding a fun and playful element to the service.

Overall, PR Trophies is a fun and engaging way to celebrate the milestones achieved by developers in their PRs. It provides a sense of accomplishment and recognition for their hard work, which can be motivating and encouraging for them to continue making progress in their projects. The service is easy to use and adds a unique touch to the GitHub experience, making it a valuable addition to any developer's toolkit.

What are PR Trophies features and benefits?

- Comments on milestone PRs
- Celebrates progress made with all PRs
- Milestone every 1000 PRs receive a trophy
- Additional types of trophies may be received
- Artwork by subtle_smiles

What is PR Trophies pricing?

The pricing for PR Trophies is free for everyone.

Integrate PR Trophies in Slack with Axolo

Integrating PR Trophies in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it adds a fun and motivational element to the code review process, celebrating progress and achievements. It also helps to build team morale and encourages collaboration among team members.

Learn more about PR Trophies on the GitHub marketplace.

PR Trophies GitHub integration screenshots

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