Integrate Poe Engineer in Slack
with Axolo

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What is Poe Engineer about?

Poe Engineer is a DevOps as a Service application that automates release management, DevOps governance, enablement, and education features. The service is designed to provide instant value to developers by including all DevOps practices required for efficient software development. Poe Engineer is tightly coupled with semantic versioning and GitHub flow, which makes it easy for developers to create releases by creating issues. When a developer pushes code to the main branch, Poe Engineer suggests either a minor or major version increment based on the changelog. Alternatively, the developer can create a Release Candidate. Upon creating a major release, Poe Engineer creates a release branch and suggests creating a new patch version upon pushing to that branch. Overall, Poe Engineer simplifies the release process and automates the management of changelogs, allowing developers to focus on writing code instead of worrying about the release process.

What are Poe Engineer features and benefits?

List of Poe Engineer features:
1. Automates release process
2. Automates semver
3. Automates changelog management
4. DevOps Governance
5. Enablement and Education Features

What is Poe Engineer pricing?

The pricing for Poe Engineer's GitHub application is free, forever, with no cost involved ($0).

Integrate Poe Engineer in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Poe Engineer in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it enables engineers to review code faster by automatically opening an ephemeral channel for each pull request and inviting the right person to act on the code review, while also automating the release process and semver versioning through Poe Engineer.

Learn more about Poe Engineer on the GitHub marketplace.

Poe Engineer GitHub integration screenshots

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