Integrate Prisma Cloud Code Security in Slack
with Axolo

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Slack logo

Developed by


Security Code
Scanning Ready

What is Prisma Cloud Code Security about?

Secure public cloud infrastructure

What are Prisma Cloud Code Security features and benefits?

- Comprehensive security across the software development cycle
- Identifies vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and compliance violations in IaC templates, container images, open source packages, and delivery pipelines
- Misconfiguration scanning backed by an open source community
- Vulnerability analysis backed by years of expertise and threat research
- Connected visibility and policy controls
- Engineering teams can secure their full stack without leaving their tools
- Security teams can ensure that all deployed code is secure

What is Prisma Cloud Code Security pricing?

Prisma Cloud Code Security's pricing is included in any Prisma Cloud Enterprise plan based on credit consumption, and has a cost of $0.

Integrate Prisma Cloud Code Security in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Prisma Cloud Code Security in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows engineers to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and compliance violations in IaC templates, container images, open source packages and delivery pipelines without leaving their tools. This helps engineering teams to secure their full stack efficiently, while the security teams can ensure that all deployed code is secure.

Learn more about Prisma Cloud Code Security on the GitHub marketplace.

Prisma Cloud Code Security GitHub integration screenshots

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