Integrate Pull Request Checklist Buddy in Slack
with Axolo

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Utilities Free

What is Pull Request Checklist Buddy about?

Pull Request Checklist Buddy is a GitHub application that automates default tasks in pull requests, such as preparing release notes, UI testing, or security audits. The app adds tasks, comments, and checklists to your pull requests automatically, making the process more efficient and less time-consuming. You can also prevent merges of pull requests with unfinished tasks through the app's own status check. Configuration is simple, file-based, and low-maintenance. The PRCHECKLIST file is ready to be versioned for auditing purposes. The syntax documentation and examples are available on GitHub, and the app's roadmap is also accessible. If you have any questions, you can contact the support team at Overall, Pull Request Checklist Buddy is a valuable tool for developers and teams looking to streamline their pull request process and ensure that all necessary tasks are completed before merging.

What are Pull Request Checklist Buddy features and benefits?

- Automatic addition of tasks, comments, and checklists to pull requests
- Prevention of merges for PRs with unfinished tasks through the app's own status check
- Simple and low-maintenance configuration through a PRCHECKLIST file
- Example configurations for UI testing and security audits
- Syntax documentation and examples available on GitHub
- Roadmap available for future updates
- Support available through email at

What is Pull Request Checklist Buddy pricing?

Free Plan: Free for public repositories ($0)

Integrate Pull Request Checklist Buddy in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Pull Request Checklist Buddy in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it helps automate default tasks in pull requests, adds tasks, comments, and checklists automatically, and prevents merges of PRs with unfinished tasks through the plugin's own status check. This makes the code review process more efficient and ensures that all necessary tasks are completed before merging.

Learn more about Pull Request Checklist Buddy on the GitHub marketplace.

Pull Request Checklist Buddy GitHub integration screenshots

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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