Integrate Pullpo for Slack in Slack
with Axolo

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What is Pullpo for Slack about?

Pullpo for Slack is a GitHub application that helps streamline the process of merging pull requests. With Pullpo, each pull request automatically creates a dedicated Slack channel where all the involved team members can collaborate seamlessly. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and can stay up to date with the latest developments in the pull request.

In the Slack channel, Pullpo shares all the relevant information related to the pull request, including GitHub actions, new commits, and code comments. This helps keep the team informed and ensures that everyone is aware of any updates or changes that may affect the pull request.

Getting started with Pullpo is quick and easy. Simply add the GitHub app and the Slack app to your organization, and you can start collaborating right away. With Pullpo, you can merge your pull requests faster and with greater confidence, knowing that everyone is on the same page and working together towards a common goal.

What are Pullpo for Slack features and benefits?

- Automatic creation of Slack channel for each pull request
- Collaboration in Slack channel with all involved people
- Sharing of relevant information on pull request in Slack channel
- Integration with GitHub and Slack apps
- Easy and quick setup for collaboration

What is Pullpo for Slack pricing?

Pullpo for Slack's Rocket plan is free of charge.

Integrate Pullpo for Slack in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Pullpo for Slack with Axolo can help streamline the code review process by automatically creating a Slack channel for each pull request in Axolo, allowing all involved parties to collaborate seamlessly and stay updated on relevant information.

Learn more about Pullpo for Slack on the GitHub marketplace.

Pullpo for Slack GitHub integration screenshots

PULLPO. The best way to collaborate on pull requests.

PULLPO. The best way to collaborate on pull requests.

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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