Integrate Review Dino in Slack
with Axolo

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What is Review Dino about?

Review Dino is a powerful GitHub application that helps software development teams save valuable time by automating the tedious process of identifying open pull requests that require attention. With Review Dino, you can easily customize the settings to suit your unique workflow and get the app up and running in just a few simple steps.

The app is designed to streamline your workflow by automating notifications and alerts, so you can focus on what really matters - developing high-quality software. Review Dino integrates seamlessly with GitHub and Slack, allowing you to receive real-time notifications and updates about pull requests that require your attention.

Whether you're a developer, project manager, or team leader, Review Dino is an essential tool for any software development team looking to boost productivity and streamline their workflow. With its intuitive interface and customizable settings, Review Dino is the perfect solution for anyone looking to automate their pull request review process and stay on top of their development tasks.

What are Review Dino features and benefits?

- Automates finding open pull requests
- Fully customizable settings
- Saves time
- Easy to set up with a few simple steps
- Requires installation of Github App and Slack App
- Requires adding notifications config to get started.

What is Review Dino pricing?

Review Dino's pricing is free.

Integrate Review Dino in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Review Dino in Slack with Axolo can save time and automate the process of finding open pull requests that require attention, making it easier for engineers to review code faster and collaborate effectively.

Learn more about Review Dino on the GitHub marketplace.

Review Dino GitHub integration screenshots

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