Integrate Save App Token to Secrets in Slack
with Axolo

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What is Save App Token to Secrets about?

Save App Token to Secrets is a GitHub application designed to automate the process of saving or updating an app's installation token into the secrets of the current repository. This is particularly useful when the limitations of secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN are too restrictive, and a personal access token is not suitable. By using the app's installation token, users can impersonate a GitHub App and take advantage of the more appropriate automation solutions it offers.

The app is only intended for demonstration purposes and is deployed on Netlify. However, users can fork the source code and follow the tutorial to deploy their own app with custom permissions, bot name, avatar, and other specifications.

One of the main benefits of using Save App Token to Secrets is that it allows users to trigger a new workflow from another workflow, which is not possible with secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN. This makes it an ideal solution for organizations that require more advanced automation capabilities.

Overall, Save App Token to Secrets is a powerful tool for GitHub users looking to streamline their workflows and take advantage of the full range of automation solutions offered by GitHub Apps.

What are Save App Token to Secrets features and benefits?

List of Save App Token to Secrets features:
- Auto save or update the app's installation token into the secrets of current repo
- Use the token to replace secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN in workflows
- Only for demonstration purposes
- Deploy on Netlify
- Fork the source code and follow tutorial to deploy own app with custom permissions, bot name, avatar, etc.
- App's installation token can impersonate a GitHub App
- App's installation token is used when secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN's limitations are too restrictive
- Personal access token is not suitable for triggering a new workflow from another workflow
- GitHub Apps are a more appropriate automation solution for organizations.

What is Save App Token to Secrets pricing?

Save App Token to Secrets has a standard free usage for testing. Deploy your own app from the source code then customize the app's permission and logo for $0.

Integrate Save App Token to Secrets in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Save App Token to Secrets in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows for easier and more secure access to the app's installation token, which can be used to replace secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN in workflows. This helps to overcome limitations of secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN and allows for more efficient automation solutions, particularly for organizations.

Learn more about Save App Token to Secrets on the GitHub marketplace.

Save App Token to Secrets GitHub integration screenshots

The secrets with name `APP_NAME` and `APP_TOKEN` was created or updated.

The secrets with name `APP_NAME` and `APP_TOKEN` was created or updated.

Use `APP_NAME` and `APP_TOKEN` in workflow.
Released by app with custom app name and avatar.
Save App Token to Secrets, screenshot 4

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