Integrate SecureFlag Knowledge Base in Slack
with Axolo

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Security Learning

What is SecureFlag Knowledge Base about?

SecureFlag Knowledge Base is a GitHub application that helps developers address security vulnerabilities in their code. The service responds to issues and pull requests by providing developers with relevant information and recommended hands-on training labs. This includes an example scenario, remediation techniques, and testing advice linked to the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard.

Developers can get recommended training labs and links to a relevant training lab where they can practice finding and remediating the vulnerability in a hands-on live environment. The service also provides industry-standard advice, with remediation and testing advice linked to OWASP material.

With contextual learning, the relevant information is provided when and where applicable, meaning developers can immediately use it in practice, thus reinforcing retention and understanding. Usage is simple: developers can mention a software vulnerability by name or CWE number in a pull request or issue in either the title or body, and the bot will reply. Common abbreviations are supported.

Overall, SecureFlag Knowledge Base is a valuable tool for developers looking to improve the security of their code and stay up-to-date with industry standards.

What are SecureFlag Knowledge Base features and benefits?

Features of SecureFlag Knowledge Base:
1. Responds to issues and pull requests that mention security vulnerabilities.
2. Provides relevant information and recommended hands-on training labs.
3. Offers an example scenario, remediation techniques, and testing advice.
4. Provides links to relevant training labs.
5. Offers remediation and testing advice linked to OWASP material.
6. Provides contextual learning.
7. Supports mentioning software vulnerabilities by name or CWE number in a pull request or issue.
8. Supports common abbreviations.

What is SecureFlag Knowledge Base pricing?

The pricing for SecureFlag Knowledge Base is free and includes all features.

Integrate SecureFlag Knowledge Base in Slack with Axolo

Integrating SecureFlag Knowledge Base in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows developers to receive relevant information and recommended hands-on training labs for security vulnerabilities mentioned in pull requests and issues, reinforcing retention and understanding through contextual learning.

Learn more about SecureFlag Knowledge Base on the GitHub marketplace.

SecureFlag Knowledge Base GitHub integration screenshots

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