Integrate Sprkl Reviewer in Slack
with Axolo

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What is Sprkl Reviewer about?

Sprkl Reviewer is a GitHub application that helps shorten code review and debugging time by providing a personalized report for every Pull Request. It allows users to understand the context and impact of their code changes on the entire app. The service relies on the Sprkl Action, which auto-instruments Node.js code changes and collects telemetry data and traces about the workflow execution. Sprkl Reviewer features runtime errors, application interactions, performance, reached runtime security CVEs, diff coverage, visualization of the application, and more.

For team leads, Sprkl Reviewer offers faster and more efficient code review by identifying issues and providing context before reading a line of code. It also encourages collaboration among team members and makes onboarding new team members easier by providing clear views of system architecture and flow traces. For developers, Sprkl Reviewer provides quick identification of issues to specific lines of code, faster iterations by pulling backtraces from CI to the IDE, and easier collaboration by providing teammates with context for code diffs. Sprkl Reviewer also integrates with Jest, VSCode, and end-to-end testing, making it a comprehensive solution for code review and debugging.

What are Sprkl Reviewer features and benefits?

- Runtime errors
- Application interactions
- Performance (code-level, APIs, and queries)
- Reached runtime security CVEs
- Diff Coverage
- Visualization of the application (System Graph)
- Integration with VSCode
- Faster, more efficient code review
- Improved team productivity
- Easier onboarding of new team members
- Issues to specific lines of code
- Quicker iterations
- Easier collaboration

What is Sprkl Reviewer pricing?

Sprkl Reviewer's pricing includes a free tier with a $0 cost.

Integrate Sprkl Reviewer in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Sprkl Reviewer with Axolo in Slack can help engineers review code faster by providing a focused, personalized report for every Pull Request, identifying issues and understanding the context of the pull request before reading a line of code, and encouraging collaboration among team members.

Learn more about Sprkl Reviewer on the GitHub marketplace.

Sprkl Reviewer GitHub integration screenshots

Services graph visualizaiton

Services graph visualizaiton

Detailed report

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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