Integrate StackHawk in Slack
with Axolo

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Developed by


Security Testing

What is StackHawk about?

Application Security for Engineering Teams

What are StackHawk features and benefits?

- Dynamic Application Scanning with HawkScan
- Built for Modern Dev Teams with Docker commands, YAML configs, and GitHub Actions integration
- DAST and SAST testing for identifying high-priority, exploitable security issues
- No manual correlation across tools required
- Comprehensive understanding of application and API security issues with a single look
- Saves time and keeps developers focused on software delivery

What is StackHawk pricing?

$0 for a single application and open source projects.

Integrate StackHawk in Slack with Axolo

Integrating StackHawk in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows developers to quickly identify and fix application security bugs by providing a seamless way to scan and triage code within their workflow.

Learn more about StackHawk on the GitHub marketplace.

StackHawk GitHub integration screenshots

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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backed by

Y Combinator

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