Integrate TestAzureML in Slack
with Axolo

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Developed by


Assisted Free

What is TestAzureML about?

TestAzureML is a powerful GitHub application that enables users to seamlessly integrate their code repositories with Azure Machine Learning (AzureML). By installing this app, users grant AzureML read access to their repositories, which in turn allows them to submit their code directly to AzureML for training.

This app streamlines the machine learning process by eliminating the need for users to manually upload their code to AzureML. Instead, they can simply push their code to GitHub and let TestAzureML take care of the rest. This not only saves time but also ensures that the training process is more efficient and accurate.

With TestAzureML, users can easily train and deploy machine learning models, monitor their performance, and make improvements as needed. This powerful tool is ideal for businesses of all sizes that want to take advantage of the benefits of machine learning without the hassle of manual processes. Overall, TestAzureML is a must-have tool for any business looking to streamline their machine learning processes and stay ahead of the competition.

What are TestAzureML features and benefits?

- Allows AzureML to have read access to user's repositories
- Enables users to submit their code in GitHub directly to AzureML for training

What is TestAzureML pricing?

Free to use with AzureML, $0.

Integrate TestAzureML in Slack with Axolo

Integrating TestAzureML in Slack with Axolo can help engineers review and test their code more efficiently by allowing them to submit their code directly to AzureML for training without leaving the Slack platform. This can save time and streamline the code review process, ultimately leading to faster and more accurate reviews.

Learn more about TestAzureML on the GitHub marketplace.

TestAzureML GitHub integration screenshots

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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