Integrate Codacy in Slack
with Axolo

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Developed by


Free Paid
Hub Enterprise

What is Codacy about?

Codacy is a powerful automated code analysis and quality tool designed to help developers improve their software development process. By integrating with GitHub repositories, Codacy provides static analysis, cyclomatic complexity, duplication, and code unit test coverage changes in every commit and pull request. With Codacy, developers can enforce code quality standards, save time in code reviews, enforce security best practices, and onboard developers faster.

Codacy adapts to your code review process, pushing results as comments in your pull requests and commits into your workflow in GitHub. This helps developers track their quality evolution and get a code quality glance at their project, allowing them to easily pay back technical debt. With over 20 languages supported, Codacy covers all project needs and supports code linters that developers are already familiar with.

Codacy also offers quality settings for pull requests and commits that act as thresholds for work, and a security dashboard that shows alerts from running hundreds of security analysis checks in your project. By using Codacy, developers can manage their project quality needs and improve code coverage from 10% to 80%. Overall, Codacy is an essential tool for developers looking to ship better software, faster.

What are Codacy features and benefits?

- Automated code analysis/quality tool
- Static analysis
- Cyclomatic complexity analysis
- Duplication analysis
- Code unit test coverage analysis
- Enforces code quality standards
- Saves time in code reviews
- Enforces security best practices
- Onboards developers faster
- Integrates with GitHub repositories
- Quality analysis of every pull request inside GitHub
- Adapts to code review process
- Pushes results as comments in pull requests and commits
- Tracks quality evolution of project over time
- Supports over 20 languages
- Code coverage integrated with CI
- Allows definition of quality settings for pull requests and commits
- Security dashboard with alerts from running security analysis checks in project.

What is Codacy pricing?

Open Source: Free for open source projects $0
Pro: $18 per user/month for unlimited private repositories.

Integrate Codacy in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Codacy in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows developers to receive automated code analysis and quality reports directly in their Slack channels, making it easier and faster to review code and enforce code quality standards. With Codacy's integration in Axolo, developers can easily track their quality evolution over time and manage their project quality needs. Additionally, Codacy's security checks can help developers quickly identify and address potential security vulnerabilities.

Learn more about Codacy on the GitHub marketplace.

Codacy GitHub integration screenshots

Codacy, screenshot 1

Codacy, screenshot 2
Codacy, screenshot 3
Codacy, screenshot 4

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