Integrate CyBench Explorer in Slack
with Axolo

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What is CyBench Explorer about?

CyBench Explorer is an API and code benchmark platform designed for development teams who prioritize performance. This platform is ideal for teams that want to ship reliable and consistent 10x code and discover the performance limitations of various algorithms, APIs, libraries, web services, cloud-end points, and microservices.

One of the key features of CyBench Explorer is the ability to speed-test your Java stack on any platform in just a few minutes. Teams can compare results across VMs, containers, cloud, and bare-metal, experiment with various settings and libraries, and create performance scorecards of their code, builds, and releases. With this platform, teams can track performance drift, spot slow code early in the release cycle, and catch hidden performance hotspots.

CyBench Explorer also allows teams to benchmark open source and 3rd party APIs included in their project, measure performance limitations of their project's dependencies, libraries, and platforms, and benchmark code and APIs as part of their CI/CD workflow. This platform can be integrated with popular tools such as Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Eclipse, IntelliJ, GitHub, and more. Overall, CyBench Explorer is an essential tool for development teams that want to optimize their code for cloud deployment and ensure top-notch performance

What are CyBench Explorer features and benefits?

- API & code benchmark platform
- Discover performance limitations of algorithms, APIs, libraries, web services, cloud-end points, microservices
- Speed-test Your Java Stack
- Experiment with various settings, libraries
- Benchmark Your Code
- Create performance scorecards of your code, builds, releases
- Track performance drift
- Spot slow code early in the release cycle
- Catch hidden performance hotpots
- Benchmark Libraries, APIs
- Measure performance limitations of project's dependencies, libraries, platforms
- Build, Bench & Deploy
- Integrate with Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Eclipse, IntelliJ, GitHub and more
- Optimize code for cloud deployment

What is CyBench Explorer pricing?

The pricing for CyBench Explorer's Free plan is $0.

Integrate CyBench Explorer in Slack with Axolo

Integrating CyBench Explorer in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows developers to easily access performance data and benchmarks within the same platform they use for code review, streamlining the development process and improving overall code quality.

Learn more about CyBench Explorer on the GitHub marketplace.

CyBench Explorer GitHub integration screenshots

Ship 10x code

Ship 10x code

Benchmark Scorecards
API Benchmark Comparison
Code Benchmark Summary

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