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Es Code

What is about? is a cloud-based development environment platform that allows developers to spin up pre-configured, standardized dev environments from any git context. By prefixing the URL with in the browser's address bar, Gitpod provisions a full Linux machine that leverages the power of the cloud, freeing developers from local silicon. With Gitpod, developers can run a desktop or browser-based version of VS Code or any JetBrains IDE, and customize it to their individual needs, from themes to extensions.

Gitpod continuously builds git branches like a CI server, so developers can start coding right away without waiting for dependencies to download and builds to finish. The platform also offers Gitpod Dedicated, which allows teams of 100+ to run Gitpod in their cloud or ours, meeting high compliance and security requirements.

In summary, is an open-source platform that provides developers with an efficient and customizable cloud-based development environment, allowing them to work seamlessly and collaboratively on their projects without worrying about infrastructure management.

What are features and benefits?

List of features:
1. Open-source platform for cloud development environments (CDEs)
2. Spin up pre-configured, standardized dev environments from any git context
3. Close dev environments when done
4. Provision a full Linux machine (sudo and docker both work)
5. Run a desktop or browser based version of VS Code or any JetBrains IDE
6. Customize IDE to individual needs
7. Continuously build git branches like a CI server
8. Run Gitpod in your cloud or ours
9. Gitpod Dedicated for high compliance and security requirements (best for teams of 100+).

What is pricing?

The pricing for's basic plan is free, with a $0 cost to get started.

Integrate in Slack with Axolo

Integrating in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows engineers to review code faster by providing them with pre-configured, standardized development environments that can be easily accessed from within Slack. This eliminates the need for engineers to set up their own development environments, saving them time and increasing productivity. Additionally, Gitpod continuously builds git branches like a CI server, allowing engineers to start coding right away without waiting for dependencies to download and builds to finish.

Learn more about on the GitHub marketplace. GitHub integration screenshots

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