Integrate Merge Freeze in Slack
with Axolo

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Deployment Continuous
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Trials Paid

What is Merge Freeze about?

Merge Freeze is a GitHub application that provides dev teams with a code freeze tool to stop merging and deployments. This tool allows teams to block or prevent the merging of pull requests either during one-off situations or scheduled at certain times of the week. The application is security-minded and does not gain any access to the code. Merge Freeze offers one-off freezes, where you can temporarily block merging into a branch of your choosing by clicking "Freeze," and recurring freezes, where you can create cron schedules in the UI so contributors can only merge during certain hours. The HTTP API feature allows you to get the current freeze status of a repo or trigger a freeze in one line of code with the API. Merge Freeze also offers integrations with Slack, where you can freeze and unfreeze pull requests to your branch with the /mergefreeze Slack command. Additionally, the Slack plugin provides a big shiny button to either freeze or unfreeze the repository and sends notifications when someone implements a merge freeze, reminding colleagues to stop merging. Lastly, the Mac menu plugin lets you manage projects from your desktop. All features work without any access to your code.

What are Merge Freeze features and benefits?

- One-off freezes
- Recurring freezes
- Integrations (with Slack and Mac menu)
- No access to code

What is Merge Freeze pricing?

Merge Freeze offers three pricing tiers: Open source is free for open source projects, Reactive is $25 per month for a free trial and allows users to react to certain situations by toggling a merge freeze, and Proactive is $40 per month for a free trial and allows users to get proactive with scheduled freezes and the API.

Integrate Merge Freeze in Slack with Axolo

Integrating Merge Freeze in Slack with Axolo is beneficial because it allows engineers to easily manage and control the merging of pull requests within Slack, without having to switch between different tools. With the /mergefreeze command, engineers can quickly check the current freeze status of a repository and initiate a freeze or unfreeze, while Axolo's ephemeral channels ensure that the right person is invited to act on the code review. This integration also provides notifications to remind colleagues to stop merging during a freeze, improving collaboration and reducing errors.

Learn more about Merge Freeze on the GitHub marketplace.

Merge Freeze GitHub integration screenshots

View all projects by installation

View all projects by installation

Manage freezes and options on a per project basis
Freeze branches with a "note" via Slack or API
Example - frozen status

They are merging pull requests with us everyday

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