Features > Slack GitHub pull request reminders

Personalized reminders for faster pick up time.

Axolo provides an easy way to remind engineers about pending pull requests, encouraging timely reviews, effective collaboration, and a more efficient development process.

Slack GitHub pull request reminders

Schedule reminders with call to actions for your pull requests right in Slack.

Improved collaboration

With pull request reminders, Axolo help you stay on top of your team's work and ensure that you are able to provide timely feedback and collaborate effectively.

Increased efficiency

Stay up-to-date on your team's progress and avoid having to constantly check GitHub for updates. This can save time and help you be more productive.

Enhanced visibility

Stay aware of what your team members are working on and provide greater visibility into the overall status of your team's projects.

How does it work?

Once a day

Axolo will send a different reminders depending on the status of your PR and will mention the engineers who need to take action.

Receive reminders

Select a specific time of day and the pull requests for which you'd like to receive reminder notifications.

GitHub and Slack used to be communication silos for us - discussion about work would exist in one or the other and we'd lose shared context of the work being done. Not anymore!

Mark Goodhead
CEO @ Longshot Systems

Axolo helps developersmerge pull requests faster

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