Team channel
Default general channel
By default, Axolo will create a channel, _axolo
where all onboarded engineers will be invited. You can rename it from Slack or disable it from this view.

The first purpose of this channel is to announce every new active pull request. Then, when updates are pushed to the PR, Axolo will update the notification with the new status, reviewers, assignees, and reviews.
Axolo will notify only on active pull requests. Draft pull requests only
create a notification once they are set on Ready for review

Team-specific channels
Axolo gives you the possibility to create team-specific channels. A team channel will create a new pull request notification if the creator of the pull request is both in the team and onboarded on Axolo. You can set up team channels upon specific GitHub teams or GitLab sub-groups.
This feature is only available in the business plan. In other plans, you have the possibility to create either a global Axolo channel or a unique team channel.
Example: You can create an platform-team
channel that will only receive new PR
notifications from your Platform team. This allows the Platform team not to be
notified by other pull requests.
Axolo will open a dedicated _axolo_deployments channel for deployment notifications. You can select specific deployment status to receive (ex: only receiving failed deployment in Slack would be unselecting "success").