Getting Started
Installation Cloud


Slack Installation (and scopes)

To install Axolo, you’ll need to sign up from our home page (opens in a new tab). We will require access to specific scopes in order to be able to push notifications and create channels as a Slack application.

Required Slack scopes:

Bot Scopes

The following scopes are the scopes we require for Axolo to work.

Slack installation
Bot ScopesReason
app_mentions:readView messages that directly mention @axolo in conversations
channels:manageManage public channels that Axolo has been added to and create new ones
channels:historySee which messages need to be updated in a channel (for example, a pull request doesn't have a conflict anymore we need to delete that message)
channels:readView basic information about a channel
commandsLGTM command to allow approving a PR right from Slack
groups:historyView messages and other content in private channels that Axolo has been added to
groups:writeManage private channels that Axolo has been added to and create new ones
reactions:writeAdd and edit emoji reactions
chat:writePost messages in approved channels & conversations
chat:write.publicSend messages to public channels @axolo isn't a member of
im:historyView messages and other content in direct messages that Axolo has been added to
im:readView basic information about direct messages that Axolo has been added to
im:writeStart direct messages with people
users:readView people in a workspace
reactions:readView emoji reactions and their associated content in channels and conversations that Axolo has been added to
emoji:readView custom emoji in a workspace

User Scopes

Optional scopes are to be granted from every user onboarded on Axolo. They allow us to reduce notifications when the engineer does an action in GitHub.

User ScopeReason
chat:writePost messages in approved channels & conversations
channels:writeManage a user’s public channels and create new ones on a user’s behalf
groups:writeManage private channels that Axolo has been added to and create new ones
reactions:writeAdd and edit emoji reactions

GitHub installation (and scopes)

When the Slack application is installed, you will need to install our GitHub or GitLab application.

You need to choose between installing Axolo on all of your organization repositories or selecting only specific repositories. You will be able to add new repositories along the way if you choose the latter.

Axolo GitHub integration

Axolo does not have access to your company’s code. GitHub code lies in the “Content API”. More information about GitHub scopes can be found here (opens in a new tab).

Required GitHub scopes

ActionsReadWorkflows, workflow runs, and artifacts
AdministrationReadRepository creation, deletion, settings, teams, and collaborators
DeploymentsReadDeployments and deployment statuses
MembersReadOrganization members and teams
MetadataReadSearch repositories, list collaborators, and access repository metadata
Repository hooksReadRepository created, deleted, archived, unarchived, publicized, privatized, edited, renamed, or transferred
StatusreadCommit status updated from the API
Team discussionsReadDiscussions and related comments and labels
IssuesRead & WriteIssues and related comments, assignees, labels, and milestones
Pull requestsRead & WritePull requests and related comments, assignees, labels, milestones, and merges
Workflow runReadWorkflow run requested or completed on a repository

GitLab Cloud installation (and scopes)

If your team is on GitLab, the installation is very similar to GitHub but less granular.

After installing the application, you will need to select the GitLab group you want to integrate with Axolo. Then, Axolo will save your organization members and project information.

Required GitLab scopes

apiAccess the authenticated user's API
openidAuthenticate using OpenID Connect
profileAllows read-only access to the user's personal information using OpenID Connect
emailAllows read-only access to the user's primary email address using OpenID Connect

Axolo onboarding

Onboard your team

Now that Slack and GitHub/GitLab applications are configured, we only need to match GitHub/GitLab members to Slack users.

You can filter your team members by specific GitHub/GitLab teams, or search their logins.

Select team members on Axolo

Create a team channel

The final step is to establish your first team channel. Team channels keep your team informed of new pull requests in a specific Slack channel and automatically sync PR Status, Reviewers, Assignees. It will show with an emoji what is the reviewer current state (ie: 👍 approved, 💬 comments).

Axolo team notifications

If you're a new Axolo user, we suggest starting with the default _axolo channel settings. You can always fine-tune your team channels later on.

🎉 Congratulations! You can start using Axolo. You can directly create PR channels for open pull requests, or go to your organization settings to personalize your Axolo experience.

We recommend you read our Make the best of Axolo (opens in a new tab) guide to getting started.