Never wait
for a code review again.
Axolo streamlines your code reviews with pull request channels.
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(Axolo doesn't have access to your code)

Some of our key features

Daily pull request reminders

Decide when you want your team to be reminded about stale pull requests. Axolo sends daily notifications only if the pull request was not recently reviewed.

Axolo auto reminders

CI/CD and GitHub Actions in Slack

Passively receive updates for your branch conflict, pull request checks, GitHub Action, and deployments in their specific channel. Select only the status you'd like to receive (success, error, ...).

Axolo pull request checks

Pull request recap for efficient stand-ups

Set up Axolo to send daily PR recaps to specific channels to organize your stand-ups. Use these recaps to keep your team in the loop and accountable.

Axolo standup PR recap

Know what your team is working on

With team-specific notifications, Axolo will send new pull request notifications in team channels and update its content upon different actions such as a reviewer adding its review, or the PR status changed (draft, awaiting review, work in progress, mergeable, ...)

Axolo team-channel notifications

Stay in flow with code review time slots

Organize your time with code review time slots and let Axolo notify you only when you're available. Save your development sessions from distractions and stay focused while you code.

Code review slots in Axolo